Bakersfield Elementary will be celebrating Grandparents’ Day on Friday, September 6th. The event will start at 1:30 p.m. and will end at 2:30 p.m. Our students have worked hard to prepare for this fun event, and we are all excited for you to join us! Parking will be available down the hill and in the High School parking lot. We will try our best to provide shuttle vans to take grandparents up and down the hill. The vans have plates that read “LION”. If you need a ride, we will pick up and drop off near the steps of the FEMA building. If you have students in multiple classes, you are welcome to sign out the oldest from their homeroom teacher and take them with you to the youngest student’s class. Refreshments will be served in your grandchild’s homeroom. If you wish to take your grandchild home, you may, provided that the parents have sent written permission and you sign them out with the homeroom teacher. We ask that all grandparents leave promptly at 2:30 so that we are able to begin our end of the day procedures.
Bakersfield Elementary will be celebrating Grandparents Day on Friday, September 6th. The event will start at 1:30 p.m. and will end at 2:30 p.m. This will allow enough time for end-of-day activities, and visitors can exit the parking lots before the buses start loading. Our students have worked hard to prepare for this fun event, and we are all excited for you to join us!
Order forms went home today for these AMAZING jackets! Sample sizes are available to try on in the HS Office. Orders are due back to school by Friday, September 13th.
Please check the size chart as we feel the jackets run a bit small.
School Pictures will be on Thursday, September 19. We will take: 📸Fall Pictures for the yearbook and 🎓Senior Composites (Tux/Drapes)
Bakersfield Elementary will be celebrating Grandparents' Day this year on Friday, September 6th from 1:30pm to 2:30pm. We will need to end the visits promptly at 2:30 due to end of the day considerations. You may enter at either end of the Elementary building. Staff will help you find your grandchild's room. You are welcome to join us for a snack, meet the teacher, and go to recess with us. If you are planning to take your grandchild home with you at the end of your visit, you will need to sign them out with their homeroom teacher. You also need to provide parental consent. As always, you are our honored guest and we look forward to having you on campus.
Yearbook reminder: Class of 2024 and students who have moved may pick up the books they ordered in the High School Office. We do have EXTRA yearbooks. If you would like one, please come to the HS office. They are $45! Also, 2025 Yearbooks are currently on sale. From now until October 25, yearbooks are $40., and if you order personalization, you get 4 free icons! After October 25, all books will be $45!!
Yearbooks are being distributed today!! The Class of 2024 and students who have moved may pick up the books they ordered in the High School Office. We do have EXTRA yearbooks. If you would like one, please come to the HS office. They are $45!
The Baxter Health Clinic @ Bakersfield saw the first patient today! The clinic is open Tuesday and Thursday from 8-3. You may enter from the road in front of the playground around the OUTSIDE of the rock wall directly to the parking in front of the clinic inside the FEMA building. This is the only access for outside clinic patients. Call for an appointment 417-284-7333 ext. 480!
Welcome back!!!!! We are so excited to see all of you!!!!!
Southern Missouri Technical Institute (Vo-tech) students will not start until Tuesday, August 20.
Baseball Practice: Monday, August 12, 4pm
New student registration this week! Tuesday, August 6 - Wednesday, August 8. If you are registering a student in grades PK-5, please go to the elementary office. If you are registering a student in grades 6-12, please go to the high school office.
Free school supplies will be available to students on Saturday, August 10th beginning at 9 AM at the Pride Park Pavillion! Thank you to the Baptist Hill Church for providing these supplies and making this event possible for Bakersfield students!
Bakersfield R-IV is excited to partner with Parkway Beauty Academy in West Plains to offer all students FREE back-to-school haircuts! This will be Monday, August 12 from 5:30-7:30 pm in the FEMA building at Bakersfield School! We want to thank the Parkway Beauty Academy students and instructors for providing their time and talents to our kids!
Update: Want more information about the clinic? Click this link for a FAQ list!
Bakersfield R-IV School District is pleased to announce a partnership with Baxter Health to bring a community school-based health clinic to Bakersfield! The clinic will be open to all students, staff AND COMMUNITY Tuesday and Thursday from 8-3! The clinic will open on the first day of school, Tuesday, August 20 and will be available for appointments by walk in or calling 417-284-7333 and selecting the Superintendent's Office or Health clinic extension. Most insurance plans will be accepted (please check with the clinic for details).
Sally Hambelton, APRN, specializes in family practice and currently works at the Baxter Health Family Clinic in Mtn. Home. We are excited to have an experienced practitioner that many in our community are already familiar with! Bakersfield R-IV School District is excited about this resource for our school and community! More details will be available soon!
Don't forget to get your immunizations before school starts!!! See the pictures for Kindergarten, 8th and 12th grade required immunizations!
Free athletic physicals will be available this Friday for all athletes from 2-5 in the Jerry Taylor Gymnasium!
I believe today is the last day of Summer School, and I forgot to post these pictures from last week. I do one week with middle schoolers who want to come to Summer School, and we do FACS (Home Ec) related projects. The students made homemade butter and strawberry jam and then biscuits from the buttermilk. We also made DIY stress balls, learned to sew stitches and sew on buttons, and each student made a small handsewn pillow. We made tie-dye T-shirts and helped kindergarten students make tie-dye projects as well. The middle school learned about finances and budgeting by saving points to spend at our "company store". We enjoyed a snack of our own "s'mores" cones and spent one morning at the West Plains pool with the elementary-age children and their teachers. It was an enjoyable, packed week!
Free Athletic physicals will be in the Jerry Taylor Gymnasium on Friday, July 12 from 2-5 PM.
Middle school students in summer school went to the greenhouse today. They learned how to take cuttings from Wandering Jew plants and transplant them into hanging baskets. Doing this now will give the plants ample amount of time to fill out before our annual plant sale next spring.