Today's HS girls basketball game @ Dora is canceled due to incoming weather and we will try to look at Friday, if the roads are clear by then.
about 2 hours ago, Coach Michael Mahan
FINAL....Lady Lions 82 Van Buren 52
about 14 hours ago, Coach Michael Mahan
FINAL….Lady Lions 82 Van Buren 52
Tomorrow night's 5/6 basketball game at Bakersfield vs Gainesville will be cancelled due to incoming weather.
about 22 hours ago, Coach Michael Mahan
There will be no school Tuesday, February 18.
about 23 hours ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
GAME DAY 2/17 #AllGritNoQuit
1 day ago, Coach Michael Mahan
Game Day 2/17 #AllGritNoQuit
Class 2 District 10 Tournament Seeds
1 day ago, Coach Michael Mahan
Class 2 District 10 Tournament Seeds
Health and Wellness Newsletter
5 days ago, Christina Hodgson
Letter from Sally about the Flu
Spring Pictures are tomorrow, Friday, February 14! We will also take: 📚 MS & HS Honor Society, 💼 FBLA club picture, 🐮FFA Chapter picture and 🎓Senior retakes.
5 days ago, Amy Scott
Due to freezing precipitation during morning commute hours, there will be no school Wednesday, February 12. This will be A.M.I. Day #4.
6 days ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
7 days ago, Mrs. Trudy Summers
An email was sent about Ozarks Technical Community College offering a comprehensive 9-Month Plumbing Certificate Program in Fall 2025, designed to equip students with the skills needed to succeed in the growing plumbing industry. Key details about the program: 9-Month Program: This program is ideal for students who are eager to enter the workforce and is A+ eligible! Check the email!
7 days ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Blood Drive
8 days ago, Mrs. Trudy Summers
Update: As of now there will be no JV Boys Game tonight unless we find referees to start earlier. 5:00 Varsity Tip. Any updates will be posted here.
8 days ago, James Denton
Game Day! Boys Basketball will play at home vs Summersville. 5:00 Tip.
8 days ago, James Denton
FINAL.... Lady Lions 63 Couch 30 #AllGritNoQuit
11 days ago, Coach Michael Mahan
Final….Lady Lions 63 Couch 30
The HS boys basketball game on Monday, 2/10 @ Bakersfield vs. Summerville will start at 5:00 pm (JV & V) We are starting early due to incoming weather.
11 days ago, Coach Michael Mahan
Game Day! Homecoming vs Couch. Tip at 5:00 with an oder of: 1/2 JV Girls, V Girls, JV Boys, Homecoming, V Boys
11 days ago, James Denton
HOMECOMING Schedule and Order of Events: 5:00 Start, 2 Quarters of JV Girls, Varsity Girls, Full JV Boys, HOMECOMING---Approximately 8:00 PM, Varsity Boys
12 days ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Please see the attached schedule for 2024-2025 Homecoming pictures.
12 days ago, Mr. Helmke
Homecoming Picture Schedule
Attention Seniors!!!! REMINDER!!! See this handout that was passed out a few months ago about submitting your senior picture for the yearbook!!
12 days ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Senior picture info