We had our 3 on 3 Tournament on Friday. Players and spectators had a good time!

Third grade explores division by sharing equal groups of Tootsie Rolls and bingo chips.

Last week, third grade practiced their multiplication knowledge through a game of “Roll-A-Dice!”

Last week, third grade practiced their multiplication knowledge through a game of “Roll-A-Dice!”

Kindergarten had so much fun making Pete the Cat today in art class!

Tuesday was a great day to have class outside!

Kindergarten Pumpkin Patch Fun!

Kindergarten Pumpkin Patch Fun!

High School Girls and Boys Basketball schedules are available https://www.bakersfield.k12.mo.us/o/bakersfieldsd/browse/38951

Thanks to all the FFA members that helped clean up along the highway north of town.

The Freshman class would like to thank all the teachers and administration for agreeing to participate in the "Kiss The Pig" contest at carnival. A BIG thanks to Mr. Byrd for actually kissing the pig!

A big thank you to all the parents, grandparents, and students who brought in baked goods for the Cakewalk. It was a huge success!

6th grade students and all of our guests had an awesome time at the candy ring toss booth!! Thanks to everyone who came out to support our class!

Parents, the cooler weather has forced us to don our jackets quickly this year. Please take the time to write your child's initials & if possible grade on the tag of his or her jacket. This helps us out tremendously. Thanks!!

Painting class working on their Chuck Close style self portraits!

8th grade American History will have a chapter quiz on Friday (October 12). Please make sure all Bell Ringers and class notes are up to date.

The Freshman class will be selling cotton candy at Carnival. Lets support Lane and Alivia as they represent our class.

Middle school Geography will have a chapter quiz on Friday (October 12). Please make sure all Bell Ringers and class notes are up to date.

FBLA, FCCLA, and NHS officers had a great time at the Corn Maze tonight! (October 6th)

These are your medalist for the White River Conference meet held at Dora. Nathan Talley 13th place and Brady Ingalsbe 5th place. He also got all-conference. Girls: Andrea Yount was 15th, Hannah Bean was 14th, Ashton Yeager was 9th, Makenzie Lester was 4th, Alivia Bean was 3rd, and Nautica Smith was 2nd. Makenzie, Alivia, and Nautica were all-conference. The girls team got 1st!!