Beginning Tuesday, March 31, we will provide a weekly package of meals at the pick up line at the elementary car rider loading.  You may pick up 5 days of breakfasts and lunches for every child in your house under age 18 (whether they attend school here or not) between 4 PM and 6 PM every Tuesday until further notice. 

PLEASE participate in this program.  We know so many families are hurting and we want to help!  Our school will be reimbursed for these expenses so please don't worry about the financial impact or someone else needing the food more than you do!  We will have enough for everyone. 

If pick up is not an option for you, please call and leave a message or text 417-712-1222 or email or send a private message on the Bakersfield R-IV School District Facebook page. 

We want to help.  Please stay safe.  We miss our students and look forward to seeing them soon!

Dr. Britt