2020 Senior Class Graduation will be Friday night, May  22 at 6 pm in the Jerry Taylor Gymnasium.  There are SEVERAL things you need to note and pay special attention to!

Seniors will have letters with ALL THE DETAILS and their TICKETS in the packets for the Tuesday packet/food line on Tuesday, May 5th from 4 to 6 pm. 

Each Senior will receive 8 (EIGHT) tickets for family/friends.  If you do not use all your tickets, you are encouraged to bring them back to school so they can be re-issued to other students who would like to invite more than 8 people.  Extra tickets will be returned to school and requests for additional tickets will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis by contacting Mr. Byrd at 417-284-7333 ext, 404.  You are only allowed to request 1(ONE) additional ticket at a time. 

Families should know that no one will be admitted without a ticket. 


Each senior will have a designated place in the gym for their family to sit. We have arrival times and specific doors for your family to enter.  All of these details are in the letter that you will pick up in the packet line Tuesday, May 5 from 4-6 pm.  It is your responsibility to inform your families of these protocols. 

Families of Senior Girls will enter at the main gym entrance near the lion mascot.  Families of Senior Boys will enter at the west end by the coach's office near O Hwy. 

Families of Seniors with last names ending in

A-I  can enter at 5:15

J-R can enter at 5:25

S-Z can enter at 5:35

Anyone who is late will be admitted at 5:45 as long as they have a ticket.  No one will be admitted after 6:00 because we have to ensure the distancing and spacing capacities are adhered to. 

The senior slide show will be put on at the beginning of seating and repeat until the ceremony starts at 6:00. 

All Seniors should park in front of the high school office.

Ticket holders should park at the gym and gravel parking lots. 

The graduation ceremony will proceed as normal with an exception at the end.

The recessional will extend to include a parade of seniors in their cars through town and ending at the park. 

The tassels will not be turned until the recessional and parade are completed at the park. 

Family and all community members are welcome to come in their cars to the park.  (We will have people to direct parking there.) Please stay at your vehicle. 

As the senior recessional parades through town and into the park, the seniors will be the only cars allowed inside the interior gate (the one by the concession stand).  Once they are all there, one of the seniors will instruct the students to turn their tassels.  At that point, they will throw the caps.  This will conclude the graduation ceremony and all participants, family and spectators should disperse. 

Graduation will include all the normal aspects of graduation with speakers, scholarships and other awards, slide show and presentation of flowers.  We will make all of this happen, just with SOCIAL DISTANCING.

It is very important to us as a school to do all we can to make this ceremony special for the Senior Class of 2020.  Please assist us in this by adhering to social distancing and the protocols we have set forth. 

CONGRATULATIONS Senior Class of 2020!!!  We are so proud of you!